If you believe all statues and monuments glorifying those linked to slavery should be replaced with a symbol remembering and honouring the victims please sign our petition and join and share our campaign #TimeToRemember
We came together and won once, let’s do it again!
We have just launched this campaign to have all statues and monuments glorifying those linked to slavery, replaced with a symbol remembering and honouring the victims instead, our Remembrance Sankofa.
Fourth Plinth
Not only would we like to see the Remembrance Sankofa occupy all plinths and spaces currently or formerly occupied by those involved in the Slave Trade, but we would also like to see the Remembrance Sankofa displayed as the next installation on Trafalgar Square’s Fourth Plinth.
A new installation is placed on the Fourth Plinth every two years, the next installation is due to take place this year! What could be more fitting and powerful than to have 2020’s installation be the Remembrance Sankofa to finally say Britain remembers, Britain honours.
Both the Fourth Plinth and the Sankofa Legacy Trail are things we have been trying, unsuccessfully, to have discussions with City Hall about for a number of years.
If you believe all statues and monuments glorifying those linked to slavery should be replaced with a symbol remembering and honouring the victims please sign our petition and join and share our campaign #TimeToRemember
Click the image below to sign our petition and don’t forget to share!